- (in Japanese history, a reference to) farmers who abandoned their fields and fled to the cities or other districts to evade onerous taxes
(in japanese history, a reference to) farmers who abandoned their fields and fled to the cities or other districts to evade onerous taxes 意味
- "(in imperative) to fuck off" 意味
- "(in japanese architecture) transom" 意味
- "(in japanese history) crude warrior from the eastern parts of the country" 意味
- "(in japanese history) one's class" 意味
- "(in japanese history) the five kuni in the immediate vicinity of kyoto" 意味
- "(in linguistics) an isogloss" 意味
- "(in logic) the object" 意味
- "(in mathematics) a development" 意味
- "(in mathematics) elimination" 意味
- "(in japanese history) one's class" 意味
- "(in japanese history) the five kuni in the immediate vicinity of kyoto" 意味
- "(in linguistics) an isogloss" 意味
- "(in logic) the object" 意味