(in japanese history, a reference to) farmers who abandoned their fields and fled to the cities or other districts to evade onerous taxes 意味

  • (in Japanese history, a reference to) farmers who abandoned their fields and fled to the cities or other districts to evade onerous taxes


        provide support for farmers in the districts of:    ~地域{ちいき}の農民{のうみん}を支援{しえん}する
        attempt to evade taxes:    脱税{だつぜい}を試みる、税金{ぜいきん}を免れようとする
        evade a massive amount in taxes:    多額{たがく}を脱税{だつぜい}する
        evade paying taxes:    脱税{だつぜい}する
        evade taxes on honoraria:    謝礼金{しゃれい きん}への脱税{だつぜい}を働く
        general tendency to evade taxes:    脱税{だつぜい}しようとする一般的{いっぱんてき}な傾向{けいこう}
        successfully evade taxes:    まんまと脱税{だつぜい}に成功{せいこう}する
        improve the ability of farmers to plow fields:    農業従事者{のうぎょう じゅうじしゃ}たちの畑を耕作{こうさく}する能力{のうりょく}を向上{こうじょう}させる
        evade taxes via a dummy company:    ダミー会社{がいしゃ}を通じて脱税{だつぜい}を行う
        fled:     fled [fléd] 【動】 flee,fly1の過去?過去分詞形.
        spread across other fields:    他の分野に広くまたがる
        venture into other fields:    ほかの分野{ぶんや}に挑戦{ちょうせん}する[危険{きけん}を冒して進出{しんしゅつ}する]
        japanese history:    Japanese history 国史 こくし
        achievements of the japanese in the fields of:    ~の分野{ぶんや}における日本人{にほんじん}の業績{ぎょうせき}
        onerous:    {形} : 重荷{おもに}になる、面倒{めんどう}な、厄介{やっかい}な、煩わしい、難航{なんこう}する Attending the party was an onerous duty. その会合に出席するのは、煩わしい仕事だった。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  1. "(in imperative) to fuck off" 意味
  2. "(in japanese architecture) transom" 意味
  3. "(in japanese history) crude warrior from the eastern parts of the country" 意味
  4. "(in japanese history) one's class" 意味
  5. "(in japanese history) the five kuni in the immediate vicinity of kyoto" 意味
  6. "(in linguistics) an isogloss" 意味
  7. "(in logic) the object" 意味
  8. "(in mathematics) a development" 意味
  9. "(in mathematics) elimination" 意味
  10. "(in japanese history) one's class" 意味
  11. "(in japanese history) the five kuni in the immediate vicinity of kyoto" 意味
  12. "(in linguistics) an isogloss" 意味
  13. "(in logic) the object" 意味

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